Inglês, perguntado por contasecundariaf1200, 7 meses atrás

Só conferir se o texto esta escrito da maneira correta e se tem algum erro de ortografia. In 1970, NASA sent a space shuttle to the moon on a mission called Apollo 13. However, not everything goes as planned, one of the oxygen tanks explodes in the middle of space, with what happened the team has to be quick to fix the ship and return to earth.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por joelmasilvanovais200

Resposta: In 1970, NASA sent a space shuttle to the moon on a mission called Apollo 13. However, not everything went as planned, one of the oxygen tanks explodes in the middle of space, so what happened the team has to be quick to fix, send and return to land.

eu corrigi o texto e coloquei mais algumas letras e vírgulas,espero ter ajudado

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