Inglês, perguntado por sabrinabastosleone, 1 ano atrás

sinopse do filme todo da malévola em ingles

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nayrasuelen
Based on the story of Sleeping Beauty, the film tells the story of Malévola (Angelina Jolie), the protector of the Moors. Since she was little, this girl with horns and wings maintains the peace between two different kingdoms, until falling in love with the boy Stefan (Sharlto Copley). The two begin a romance, but Stefan has the ambition to become leader of the neighboring kingdom, and leaves Malevolent to conquer his plans. The girl becomes a vindictive and bitter woman, who decides to curse Stefan's newborn daughter, Aurora (Elle Fanning). Gradually, however, Malévola begins to develop feelings of friendship towards the young and pure Aurora.

nayrasuelen: Espero ter ajudado!!!
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