Inglês, perguntado por macedocarolina5342, 10 meses atrás

Sinopse do filme extraordinário em inglês

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CarlosFN
Auggie Pullman is a boy who was born with a facial deformity, which caused him to undergo 27 plastic surgeries. At age 10, he will attend a regular school, like any other child, for the first time. In the fifth year, he must strive to fit into his new reality.
Respondido por zimaraeszimtese

A seguir a sinopse do filme Extraordinário em Inglês:

The little boy Auggie Pullman was born with a serious genetic syndrome that left him with facial deformities, causing him to go through several surgeries and medical complications during his few years of life. With the help of his parents, the boy tries to adjust to a new routine when he enters a regular school for the first time.


Lançado em 2017 e dirigido por Stephen Chbosky, o filme faz com que os telespectadores reflitam em problemas sociais como o capacitismo, preconceito e a forma tendenciosa sobre como a aparência física é moldada em sociedade.

Aprenda mais sobre capacitismo em:


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