Português, perguntado por nerd1175, 8 meses atrás

simples Present (afirmativa negativa e interrogativa) (a)he near his house.(work), (b)i a bus to school(take),
(c)the film at 8.00(start)
(d)it a lot (rain)
(e) you your tv (flix) porfavor me ajundem

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por neuzamiguel01

Resposta:Letra D


Respondido por StarButterfly12


a) Afirmativa: He works near his house.

Negativa: He doesn't works near his house.

Interrogativa: Does he works near his house?

b) Afirmativa: I take a bus to school.

Negativa: I don't take a bus to school.

Interrogativa: Do I take a bus to school?

c) Afirmativa: The film starts at 8:00.

Negativa: The film doesn't starts at 8:00.

Interrogativa: Does the film starts at 8:00?

d) Afirmativa: It's rains a lot.

Negativa: It doesn't rains a lot.

Interrogativa: Does it rains a lot?

e) Afirmativa: You flix your TV.

Negativa: You don't flix your TV

Interrogativa: Do you flix your TV?


O simple present serve para expressar algo que acontece no presente.

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