Inglês, perguntado por rafaanjosn, 3 meses atrás

Simple Present X Present Continuous Exercise

Choose the correct form of the verb to use in each sentence.


Sentence: I __________ he's an interesting man. [think or am thinking?]

Correct answer: I think he's an interesting man.

Explanation: When using 'think' to express an opinion, do not use the continuous form of the verb.

1. Tom __________ at the moment. Can I take a message?

is working


2. I often __________ tennis on Saturdays.

am playing


3. We __________ on the Smith account this week.


are working

4. We rarely go out for dinner, but this week we __________ out on Saturday.

are going


5. He __________ every word she says.

is believing


6. Angela gets up at 7 o'clock and __________ breakfast every day.

is having


7. Peter usually __________ a lot of questions.


is asking

8. Jason doesn't know the answer to this question. He __________ the other answers.

is knowing


9. We __________ a meeting in Chicago this weekend.

are attending


10. She __________ to purchase a new computer.

is wanting


11. I __________ that this quiz is easy.

am hoping


12. Janet __________ breakfast at the moment.

is having


13. My friends __________ in a factory twenty miles from their apartment.

are working


both are correct

14. She is always __________ about how much she hates her job.



15. The children __________ at the moment by the nanny.

is being dressed

are being dressed

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por paulodameire

Resposta: thinks (expressa sentimento) SÓ PODE  NO PRESENTE

is working - tem a  expressão no  momento então use presente  contínuo

play - usa o adverbio de tempo on saturday (no sabado) então é rotina, usa presente.

are working -  a expressão this week, aponta só esta semana, então não é rotina.

go - não usa going to - só se for futuro imediato, aqui não pede esse tempo.

believe - sentimento - não usa presente  contínuo

has - rotina (every day)

asks - rotina (usually) normalmente

knows -  verbo não usa no presente continuo

are attending - (expressa momento - this weekend)

wants - não há indicação de tempo (na verdade as  2 estão erradas aqui deveria usar present perfect

hope - verbo de emoção

is having -  indica momento

work -  não há indicação de  tempo

complains -  tem o adverbio always, indica rotina , use presente

are being dressed -  voz passiva - com sujeito paciente no plural (children) elas/ as crianças  estão


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