SIMPLE FUTURE: WILL + VERB will eat will jump will answer will leave 1 - Make 10 sentences about the future of our city, country, planet; using the Simple Future:
2- Make 5 sentences about the future of our city, country, planet; using the verb THERE TO BE (HAVER ou EXISTIR) in the future: THERE WILL BE
Soluções para a tarefa
1) Our city will get new restaurants soon.
The planet will disappear one day, that's what I think.
Our country, Brazil, will need lots of new vaccines so we can vaccinate everyone who lives here.
The city will grown and be a big city.
The planet is needing more trees.
Our country will ask for help, because the administration in here is so bad.
The city will start a new project soon.
Here in our city we will need a movie theater so we can watch movies.
I will move to new city when the pandemic ends.
2) There will be a bigger theater in our city.
There will be a "new" Brazil, when we get a good administration.
Here in Brazil, there will be lots of vaccinated people soon, if everything goes well.
In our planet, there will be new trees soon.
In our country, there will be lots of new big buildings.
Manuele Vitória pinta Matheus Santos da Manuela Vitória Santos