Inglês, perguntado por kathelynanastacio, 8 meses atrás

Should Teens Be Tried As Adults By Jeffrey H., 16 years old, Brookline, MA Should teenagers be tried as adults? Opinions differ. Some people argue that teenagers don't know what they are doing when they commit a crime and are still too young to comprehend what is right and wrong. I totally disagree. I am old enough to know that committing a crime is wrong and that if I commit one, I will be punished. Anyone who says teens can't differ right from wrong is either too old to remember what being a teenager is like or they are a teenager who has committed a crime and don't want to be tried as an adult. In either case, they are wrong. All teens know that killing is wrong, yet they do it anyway and get away with a light sentence because of their age. Even if a teen didn't know it was wrong, it doesn't mean it's right. They should still be punished. If they aren't, they will think that crimes are okay and continue to commit them.

8- O artigo de opinião fala que:

A- Adultos não lembram que foram adolescentes.
B- Adolescentes se apaixonam com facilidade.
C- Adolescentes que cometem crimes devem ser julgados como adultos.
D- Adolescentes cometem crimes

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por xandecarequinha755


D) Adolescentes Cometem Crimes

kathelynanastacio: Obrigadaaa
Respondido por mk61

Resposta: Letra C


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