será que vcs podem me ajudar???

Soluções para a tarefa
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To work - afirmativa: To work - negativa:
I'm going to work . I'm not going to work.
She's/He's going to work. She's / He's not going to work.
You're going to work. You're not going to work.
We're going to work. We're not going to work.
They're going to work. They aren't going to work.
It's going to work. It's not going to work.
Family members ( membros da falimia):
Father- Pai. Aunt - Tia.
Mother - Mãe. Uncle - Tio.
Brother - Irmão. Grandfather - Avô.
Sister - Irmã. Grandmother - Avó.
Cousin - Primo. Brother-in-law - Cunhado.
espero ter ajudado,byee