Inglês, perguntado por mariaclarad84, 8 meses atrás

Selecione a forma correta para a frase " The dogs___very hungry yesterday".
a- Was
b- Were

Respectivamente, quais formas verbais do passado do verbo TO BE preenchem corretamente a frase: "Jane___ very happy yesterday but her friends____very sad.
10 pontos
a- Were / was
b- Was/ were

Como fica a forma negativa da frase: "The cat was very sick last month."
10 pontos
a- The cat very was sick last month.
b- The cat was not very sick last month.

Como fica a forma interrogativa da frase: " The boy was tired last night."
10 pontos
a- Was the boy tired last night?
b- The boy was not tired last night.

Qual a correta tradução da frase; " My friends were very happy ysterday."
10 pontos
a- Meus irmãos estavam muito tristes ontem.
b- Meus amigos estavam muito felizes ontem.

Como fica a seguinte frase em inglês: " Nelson Mandela foi o primeiro presidente negro da Africa do Sul."
10 pontos
a- Nelson mandela were the first black president of South Africa.
b- Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por EnglishExpertBR


》Simple Past

  • Selecione a forma correta para a frase " The dogs Were very hungry yesterday".

a- Was

b- Were

  • Respectivamente, quais formas verbais do passado do verbo TO BE preenchem corretamente a frase: "Jane Was very happy yesterday but her friends Were very sad.

a- Were / was

b- Was/ were

  • Como fica a forma negativa da frase: "The cat was very sick last month.

a- The cat very was sick last month.

b- The cat was not very sick last month.

  • Como fica a forma interrogativa da frase: " The boy was tired last night."

a- Was the boy tired last night?

b- The boy was not tired last night.

  • Qual a correta tradução da frase; " My friends were very happy yesterday."

a- Meus irmãos estavam muito tristes ontem.

b- Meus amigos estavam muito felizes ontem.

  • Como fica a seguinte frase em inglês: " Nelson Mandela foi o primeiro presidente negro da Africa do Sul."

a- Nelson mandela were the first black president of South Africa.

b- Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa.


They are at school. (Eles estão na escola) > They were at school. (Eles estavam na escola)

I am late. (Eu estou atrasado) > I was late. (Eu estava atrasado)


They are not at school. (Eles não estão na escola.) > They were not at school. (Eles não estavam na escola)

I am not late. (Eu não estou atrasado.) > I was not late. (Eu não estava atrasado)


Is she at school? (Ela está na escola) > Was she at school? (Ela estava na escola?)

Am I late? (Eu estou atrasado?) > Was I late? (Eu estava atrasado?)

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