se não souberem não respondem
favor me ajudem po favor gente não quero gracinhas eu quero que me ajudem sério se responderem com graça vou denúncia
e po favor podem me ajudar nas minhas outras perguntas também po favor
eu fiz da 1 até a 8 mais eu não sei se estar certo a 9 eu traduzido mais a tradução saiu errado e a 10 eu não sei que resumo eu fasso sobre o texto
Games sports
A game is an activity that you generally practive for auny.
There are many tupes of indoor games and outdoor games.
Today games are aoganized with a definite number of players, a definite area and with very rigid rules.
Games are very important tô develop the body and to keep the mind healthy.
When you take part in a competition the important is not to wen brit to compete.
Ir's necessary to win with modesty and know how to bose a game.
Fanaticism is e memy number one in all kinds of sports By means of games and sports we can delevop sociability and make new friends
Questioes on the text
1) what is a game?
2) What are two tupes of games?
3) how are the games organized?
4) are games important?
5) what is more important in a competition: to win or to compete?
6) compete. lt is necessary to with ________ and know how _________?
7) what is the enemy number one in all kinds of sports?
8) Compete by means of games sports we can?
9) traduza
A) indoor
B) outdoor
C) games
D) body
E) Rules
F) rigid
G) take
H) win
i) know
J) means
10) faça um pequeno resumo do texto?
Soluções para a tarefa
1) what is a game?
A game is an activity that you generally practive for fun.
2) What are two tupes of games?
There are indoor games and outdoor games.
3) how are the games organized?
Today games are organized with a definite number of players, a definite area and with very rigid rules.
4) are games important?
Games are very important to develop the body and to keep the mind healthy.
5) what is more important in a competition: to win or to compete?
The most important is to compete.
6) compete. lt is necessary to win with modesty and know how to lose?
7) what is the enemy number one in all kinds of sports?
8) Compete by means of games sports we can?
We can develop sociability and make new friends.
9) traduza
A) indoor - em espaços fechados.
B) outdoor - a céu aberto.
C) games - jogos
D) body - corpo
E) Rules - regras
F) rigid - rígido
G) take - tomar
H) win - vencer
i) know - saber
J) means - meios
10) faça um pequeno resumo do texto?
O texto fala sobre os benefícios da prática de esportes, através de jogos, que podem ser em espaços fechados ou a céu aberto.
Também fala que desenvolvemos nossa sociabilidade, fazemos novos amigos e aprendemos as regras de cada jogo. O texto chama atenção que é mais importante competir do que vencer.
The text is about the benefits of practicing sports through games, that can be indoors or outdoors.
It also mentions that we develop our sociability, make new friends and learn the rules of each game.
The text calls the attention that it's more important competing than winning.