Português, perguntado por mariafreitas58, 4 meses atrás

Savers have never had a worse deal but for most borrowers, credit is scarce and costly. That seeming paradox attracts new businesses free of the bad balance sheets, high costs and dreadful reputations which burden most conventional banks.

Foremost among the newcomers are peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms, which match borrowers and lenders directly, usually via online auctions. The loans issued often comprise many tiny slivers from different lenders. Some P2P platforms slice, dice and package the loans; others allow lenders to pick them. Either way, the result is a strikingly better deal for both sides. Zopa, a British P2P platform, offers 4.9% to lenders (most bank accounts pay nothing) and typically charges 5.6% on a personal loan (which is competitive with the rates most banks charge).

Elsewhere, returns (and risks) are higher. IsePankur, which lends to more than 60 000 people in four euro-zone countries, pays its lenders a stonking 21.45% average net return (after a 3% default rate). Its typical borrowers do not flinch at rates of up to 28%: they are refinancing far costlier credit-card debt and doorstep loans.

Disponível em: www.economist.com. Acesso em: 3 mar. 2014.

Emprestar e pegar dinheiro emprestado na internet tem se tornado cada vez mais comum. Segundo o texto, esse tipo de serviço

a) beneficia apenas os poupadores.

b) limita-se a operações de baixo risco.

c) sobrevive devido à abundância de crédito.

d) apresenta um custo mais alto que os bancos convencionais.

e) conecta poupadores e devedores por meio de leilões on-line.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Juliana9999999999


e) conecta poupadores e devedores por meio de leilões on-line


Para responder corretamente ao item, é necessário identificar, no texto, o trecho "[...] among the newcomers are peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms, which match borrowers and lenders directly, usually via online auctions. (" entre os recém-chegados estão as plataformas peer-to-peer (P2P) de empréstimo, que conectam diretamente os devedores e poupadores, geralmente através de leilões on-line."). Nele, o autor explica como funciona o empréstimo on-line.

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