Inglês, perguntado por ruanpedro245, 10 meses atrás

rita: hello. Kyle.
kyle: Hi, Rita. long time no see
Rita: it's true. So, I came back to the city, but I can see that have changed a lot
Kyle: Yes, there used to be a few Buildings here, but now there are so many stores.
Rita: It's great! Wow, there didn't use to be a square on this street.
Kyle: They built one thow Years ago.
Rita: I don't understand. I had traveled to study in Other city for five Years and When I arrive I found all these changes
Kyle: Well, welcome to modernity.

a) O q está acontecendo no diálogo?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por underscorecarol
Rita e Kyle estão conversando sobre como a cidade mudou desde que Kyle saiu para estudar fora da cidade.
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