I will work in a big city and I will be rich. I will have a happy life and I will have a beautiful wife – my wife will have six children. My children will love me and I will love my children. I won’t have serious problems and I won’t feel down every day. I will work from Monday to Saturday - on Sundays, I won’t work. My house will always be cleaned by me.
Soluções para a tarefa
“My house will always be cleaned by me.”
English Language: Passive Voice
Nós utilizamos a “Voz Passiva” na Língua Inglesa quando não é relevante dizer quem ou que fez algo, ou então, quando não temos essa informação.
- Voz Ativa: She bought a new house [Ela comprou uma nova casa].
- Voz Passiva: A new house was bought by her [Uma nova casa foi comprada por ela].
Não é necessário dizer “by (someone)”, pois também a usamos quando não sabemos quem fez a ação.
- A new house was bought.
No entanto, se por acaso você usar o “by (someone)”, lembre-se de realizar a mudança nos pronomes.
- A new house was bought by her.
Entenda que a estrutura da “Voz Passiva” é: to be + past participle. Isto quer dizer que, é obrigatório usar o verbo tô be e um verbo no past participle.
- Incorreto: A new house bought.
- Correto: A new house was bought.
Para terminar, lembre-se sempre que o tempo em que a ação ocorre permanece igual (presente, pretérito ou futuro).
- Simple Present: Voz Ativa: “She buys a new house”; Voz Passiva: “A new house is bought”.
- Simple Present Continuos: Voz Ativa: “She is buying a new house”; “A new house is being bought.”
- Present Perfect: Voz Ativa: “You has just bought a new house!”; Voz Passiva: “A new house has just been bought!”.
- Present Perfect Continuos: Voz Ativa: “She has been buying new things for a month”; Passive Voice: “New things has been bought for a month”.
- Simple Future: Voz Ativa: “She’ll buy a new house”; Voz Passiva: “A new house will be bought.”
- Simple Past: Voz Ativa: “You bought a new house!”; Voz Passiva: “A new house was bought!”.
- Past Perfect: Voz Ativa: “You had bought a new house!”; Voz Passiva: “A new house had been bought!”
- Past Perfect Continuos: Voz Ativa: “You had been buying new things since March”; “New things had been bought since March”.
Pronouns Changes
- I = me
- You = you
- He = him
- She = her
- It = it
- We = us
- They = them
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- Passive Voice: <>.
- Object Pronouns: <>.
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