Inglês, perguntado por Kayoaluno, 6 meses atrás

Respondam ae 50 pontos para quem responder 7 minutos pvf


Kayoaluno: Respondam ae si a 2⁰

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nuvensechuva


Peter and Lucy sometimes play tennis after school

My brother never wakes before 7 o'clock...

My parents always have breakfast...

He sometimes listens to the radio

They ofter help their mother...

Steven usually watches TV...

We always leave the dog in the park


Os verbos que você colocou na segunda foto com verbos que se encaixam nas frases.

Respondido por Gabw1

Resposta:Peter and Lucy sometimes play tennis after school

My brother never wakes before 7 o'clock.

My parents always have breakfast.

He sometimes listens to the radio.

They ofter help their mother.

Steven usually watches TV.

We always leave the dog in the park.

espero ter ajudado :)

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