Resenha do filme 'Deus abençoe a América'
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Resposta: Poor Frank, I was just trying to be nice to a co-worker. He was fired on suspicion of sexual harassment. Maybe it's not all bad, after all, he couldn't take any more of the empty conversations that happened in the corridors of his work. In return, you will have to put up with your noisy neighbors and fans of bad television programming. Not to mention that it is difficult to deal with the ex-wife and her spoiled daughter, who apparently hates him. The icing on the cake, a very serious cancer has just been discovered in your head. What would you do in his place?
God Bless America is a black comedy that was released in 2011, in an extremely restricted circuit, so much so that it only arrived in Brazilian lands via video on demand. She accompanies the Frank I mentioned above, a lonely middle-aged divorced man, who despises much of the characteristics embedded in the American way of life. All the derailment of his personal life culminates in an epiphany where, on the verge of suicide, he decides with his own hands to clean society up. With the company of Roxie, a teenager equally upset with the world, he sets out on a bloody and liberating road, but one that clearly will not end well.
Combining aspects of great films that criticize "Americanism", such as A Day of Fury and American Beauty, God Bless America is more loose in satirizing Western inconsistencies and does it in an incisive, violent and far removed from subtleties. Much of the criticism goes to the cultural superficiality of people, exposed by the exacerbated popularity of idiotic reality shows, fascist presenters of sensational programs, religious fanatics who preach hate and the reverberation of all these ideas in conversation circles, behavior well described in a Frank's dialogue: “Nobody says anything. They just regurgitate what they watch on TV, listen to on the radio or watch on the internet ”.
Popular people in American and world pop culture also do not escape the verbose comments of the duo, such as Diablo Cody and Alice Cooper. Memorable scenes where Roxy and Frank criticize within the criticism, mainly related to the US arms policy. Simple behaviors also become a reason for the extremist reaction of the anti-hero duo, like people talking and fiddling with their cell phones at the cinema, people who shut you down in traffic. Reactions you always thought you would have. All this identification with the indignation and annoyance of the protagonists, makes the ensuing blast of bullets even more compensatory and cathartic.