Inglês, perguntado por raryunikp8y5c3, 10 meses atrás

Reescrevam as sentenças usando ;there was; e ;there were
; corretamente. A. There is a shopping mall near his house. ____________________________________________________________________________________ B. There is a white cat on the table. ____________________________________________________________________________________ C. There are great people where I live. ____________________________________________________________________________________ D. There are many places to visit. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7- Passem as sentenças a seguir para as formas negativa e interrogativa. A. There was a teacher here. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ B. There were people talking in the house. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CarlosESB1
A. There is a shopping mall near his house. 
There was a shopping mall near his house.

B. There is a white cat on the table.
There was a white cat on the table.

C. There are great people where I live.
There were great people where I live.

D. There are many places to visit.
There were many places to visit.

A. There was a teacher here. 
Neg.: There wasn't a teacher here.
Int.: Was there a teacher here?

B. There were people talking in the house. 
Neg.: There weren't people talking in the house.
Int.: Were there people talking in the house.
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