Inglês, perguntado por cheilakelle, 7 meses atrás

Reescreva as frases. Use 'No'.

Ex:. He doesn't have any money.
He has no money.

a) we didn't leave home with any books.

b) we didn't have any doubt about the subject.

c) she doesn't have any idea of the problem.

d) there aren't any boys at school.

e) the teacher hasn't given us any adevice.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kevenlacerda563


a) we didn't leave home with any books.

we left home with no hooks

b) we didn't have any doubt about the subject.

we had no doubt about the subject

c) she doesn't have any idea of the problem.

she has no idea of the problem

d) there aren't any boys at school.

there are no boys at school

e) the teacher hasn't given us any adevice.

the teacher has given us no adevice

Respondido por gustmelo92
we left home with no books
we had no doubt about the subject
she have no idea of the problem
there are no boys at school
teacher has give us no device
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