Inglês, perguntado por brunaviana37, 1 ano atrás

redação de no mínimo 25 linhas, sobre o por que que é importante saber inglês no século XXI

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Respondido por carlos8998


the why the English it's important?

well I gonna tell u the answer but be prepared it cuz the truth it's hard!

If u don't know English in 2019 u are a fool cuz u will need English for everything for read a medication for your work for your life, well for everything as I said, English use to help in your school subjects cuz 95% of wisdom of books to be in enegish, so if u don't know u can't know it.,

it's really amazing listen a song in English and understand cuz if u don't understand the song gonna be just a weirdo thing, and if u want to do a university as Harvard u can be smart but if u don't know enegish u cant in there so that's it u gotta to know enegish for to be the best version of yourself , and enegish help u got more money and have a good work a good level education

and to know new peoples of another part of the world , cuz in Europe anyone know English cuz they teach since elementary school different of Brazil , so English it's for your life.

that's it thanks for read

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