Inglês, perguntado por Ts996908, 8 meses atrás

Read the text below and answer the proposed activities. (Leia o texto abaixo e responda as

atividades propostas.)


The Twitter spam out to swing your vote ignore the ballot bots By Chris Baraniuk Watch out for

the ballot bots. As the UK’s referendum on membership of the European Union draws near,

researchers are increasingly concerned about automated social media accounts that might be

trying to sway the vote. Philip Howard at Oxford University and Bence Kollanyi at Corvinus

University have discovered bot accounts furiously sharing and promoting messages supportive of

both the Remain and Leave sides. Of 1.5 million tweets with hashtags related to the referendum

sampled between 5 June and 12 June, they found that 54 per cent were pro-Leave and 20 per

cent were pro-Remain. But a third – half a million tweets – were generated by just 1 per cent of

the 300,000 sampled accounts. This level of activity suggests that many of these are scripted

bots, say Howard and Kollanyi. Throughout the period, the Brexit bots were much more active,

tweeting more than three times as often as the Remain bots. [...].

Another group of independent researchers at identified a string of apparently

automated accounts targeting the EU referendum. Only 10 percent of the 200 most frequent

retweeters of pro-Leave and pro-Remain content were defined as human. [...]

01. Leia o título e parte da notícia online e cheque a opção que melhor resuma o seu tópico.

(A) Twitter posts and hashtags were a valid and safe way to check people’s vote intention during

the referendum campaign because they reflected a whole nation’s opinion. The increase in

people’s participation on Twitter before the ballot confirmed it.

(B) Twitter posts and hashtags were not a valid and safe way to check people’s vote intention

during the referendum campaign. Although many people took part in online polls (expressed

their vote intentions online), organizations and political groups may have taken advantage of it,

using bots to manipulate polls’ results and influence people on their vote.

02. Traduza as palavras dentro do significado técnico das notícias:


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustavoif

Na questao 1, a alternativa correta e a B).

Colocando o texto numa forma correta de divisao de paragrafos e realizando a traducao (questao numero 2), temos:

O Twitter envia spam para balançar seu voto

Por Chris Baraniuk

Cuidado com os robôs de votação. À medida que se aproxima o referendo do Reino Unido sobre a adesão à União Europeia, os pesquisadores estão cada vez mais preocupados com contas automatizadas de mídia social que podem estar tentando influenciar o voto.

Philip Howard, da Universidade de Oxford, e Bence Kollanyi, da Universidade de Corvinus, descobriram contas de bot furiosamente compartilhando e promovendo mensagens de apoio aos lados Remain e Leave. Dos 1,5 milhão de tweets com hashtags relacionadas ao referendo amostrados entre 5 e 12 de junho, eles descobriram que 54% eram a favor da licença e 20% a favor da permanência.

Mas um terço - meio milhão de tweets - foi gerado por apenas 1% das 300.000 contas da amostra. Esse nível de atividade sugere que muitos deles são bots com script, dizem Howard e Kollanyi. Durante o período, os bots do Brexit foram muito mais ativos, twittando mais de três vezes mais que os bots do Restante. [...]

Outro grupo de pesquisadores independentes do identificou uma série de contas aparentemente automatizadas direcionadas ao referendo da UE. Apenas 10% dos 200 retweeters mais frequentes de conteúdo pró-licença e pró-Restante foram definidos como humanos. [...]

01. Leia o título e parte da notícia online e cheque a opção que melhor resuma o seu tópico:

(B) Twitter posts and hashtags were not a valid and safe way to check people’s vote intention during the referendum campaign. Although many people took part in online polls (expressed their vote intentions online), organizations and political groups may have taken advantage of it, using bots to manipulate polls’ results and influence people on their vote.

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