Inglês, perguntado por thiagorafaeltrmds, 11 meses atrás

Read the text and choose the correct response.
Psychologists reveal why we kiss with our eyes closed
People close their eyes whie kissing to allow the brain to properly focus on the task in hand, psychologists have said. A study on vision and tactile sensory experiences at Royal Holloway, University of London, concluded the brain finds it difficult to process another sense while also concentrating on the visual stimuli.
Cognitive psycholoigists Polly Dalton and Sandra Murphy found “tactile (sense of touch) awareness depends on the level of perpectual load in a concurrent task”. (...) “These results could explain why we close our eyes when we wnat to focus attention on another sense”, Ms Dalton said. (...)
Those behind the research said it had broader implications. Dr Sandra Murphy said: “It was already known that increasing the demands of a visual task could reduce noticing of visual and auditory stimuli. “Our research extands this finding to these sense of touch. This is patcicularly importante given the growing use of factile information in warning systems.” Tactile alerts are used in as warning systems in some cards and aeroplans, both of which demand a hogh level of visual concentration. (...)
1- A psicologia cognitiva estuda os processos mentais que estão por trás do comportamento. O texto menciona um estudo desenvolvido por psicólogos cognitivos. O principal objetivo desse estudo foi: *
1 ponto
Descobrir por que as pessoas fecham os olhos quando se beijam.
Investigar relações entre a experiência sensorial tátil e a visual.
Medir a capacidade de concentração das pessoas durante o beijo.
Testar a adequação do uso de informação tátil em sistemas de alerta.
2- Qual o nome da universidade que realizou o estudo? *
1 ponto
Sandra Murphy e Polly Dalton.
Royal Holloway, University of London.
University of Oxford.
University of Cambridge.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por luishlv


1- Investigar relações entre a experiência sensorial tátil e a visual.

2- Royal Holloway, University of London.


thiagorafaeltrmds: Precioso da resposta de química a questão esta no meu perfil fazendo favor
marcelomatos13: Pó royal
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