Inglês, perguntado por andreluizor7, 2 meses atrás

Read the sentences below. Correct the wrong ones and check the correct ones.
a) I've been good at speaking in public.
b) My sister has no talent to playing the piano.
c) Derek is incapable to learning Chinese. It's really difficult.
d) That girl has a gift for learning languages. She's awesome.
e) I've never been skilled for working with numbers, which has always made me feel frustrated.
f) Ted is hopeless with music.
g) Alex was unable of helping his dad.
h) The teachers are adept to interpreting poems.

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Com correções:

a) I've been good speaking in public.

b) My sister has no talent playing the piano.

c) Derek is incapable of learning Chinese. It's really difficult.

d) That girl has a gift to learning languages. She's awesome.

e) I've never been skilled working with numbers, which has always made me feel frustrated.

f) Ted is hopeless at music.

g) Alex was unable of help his dad.

h) The teachers are adept of interpreting poems,

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