Inglês, perguntado por marquinhosedua, 5 meses atrás

Read the sentences and classify the
highlighted words.
1 WE met THEM in greem street ON friday
2 sally HAVE lost MY BAG
3 the ARE working HARD
4 my teacher SPOKE SLOWLY but did'm t UMDERSTAND ver
5 Christopher gave me on EXPENSIVE present
7 you MUST cone and VISIT in SCOTLAND​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por msrcela
we —> pronome
them —> pronome
have —> verbo
my bag —> pronome possessivo (my) e substantivo (bag)
are —> verbo
hard —> adjetivo
spoke —> verbo
slowly —> adjetivo
understand —> verbo
expensive —> adjetivo
must —> verbo
visit —> verbo
scotland —> nome próprio

marquinhosedua: muito obrigadooooo
marquinhosedua: gracias
msrcela: you're welcome!
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