Inglês, perguntado por guilhermekquintana, 11 meses atrás

Questão 2
Transforme as frases afirmativas em interrogativas
1. You were at school
2. The money was on the desk last week.
3. We were happy about his behaviour.
4. She was looking for you

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por SergeantEnglish


1. Were you at school?

2.Was the money on the desk last week?

3. Were we happy about his behavior?

4.Was she looking for you?


guilhermekquintana: vlw mano!!!!
Respondido por medusaxl
1- were you at school?
2- Was the money on the desk last week?
3- Were we happy about his behaviour?
4 - Was she looking for you?

guilhermekquintana: Vlw meu mn!!!
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