Questão 13-Read the text and write T if the sentences are true or F if they are fall
L: City Life vs Country Life: An Unbiased Analysis
N: As a born-and-raised city girl, having now adopted a country life, I think it is safe to
say I have experienced the best (and possibly worst) of both worlds. They are two
entirely different ways of life - each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
L: City Life - Advantages
You can get pretty much anything you want, at any time of the day or night. [...] The
variety of jobs and careers available is wide. [...] There is always a general interest
course or class available for you to take, with some curriculums being fairly specific.
Belly Dancing, How To Write a Romance Novel, and Poker Website Design courses
are examples.
L: City Life - Disadvantages
[...] Crime is higher. There are] really bad kinds of crime too. Pollution. [...] It can be
a real dog-eat-dog world.
L: Country Life - Advantages
[...] Fresh air, blue skies, and way healthier living.
[...] Locking your doors is entirely optional. [...] You can walk down the street, and
chances are you'll see somebody you know. [...]
L: Country Life - Disadvantages
[...] Piss one person off, and expect not only the whole town to know, but expect the
whole town to give you the cold shoulder along with it. One move can make or break
you in the country.
[...] Technology isn't always top of the line. For example: broadband internet - what's
[...] Getting a social life can be very difficult.
a) ( ) The person in the text lives in the city.
b) ( ) Living in the city or in the country is the same for her.
c) ( ) One of the advantages of living in a big city is the varieties of shops,
d) ( ) Living in the city is more dangerous.
e) ( ) You always have to lock your doors in a small town.
f) ( ) Technology does not always work in the country.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Text Comprehension
City Life vs Country Life: An Unbiased Analysis
As a born-and-raised city girl, having now adopted a country life, I think it is safe to say I have experienced the best (and possibly worst) of both worlds. They are two entirely different ways of life - each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
City Life - Advantages
[...] You can get pretty much anything you want, at any time of the day or night.
[...] The variety of jobs and careers available is wide.
[...] There is always a general interest course or class available for you to take, with some curriculums being fairly specific. Belly Dancing, How To Write a Romance Novel, and Poker Website Design courses are examples.
City Life - Disadvantages
[...] Crime is higher. There are really bad kinds of crime too. Pollution. [...] It can be a real dog-eat-dog world.
L: Country Life - Advantages
[...] Fresh air, blue skies, and way healthier living.
[...] Locking your doors is entirely optional.
[...] You can walk down the street, and chances are you'll see somebody you know.
Country Life - Disadvantages
[...] Piss one person off, and expect not only the whole town to know, but expect the whole town to give you the cold shoulder along with it. One move can make or break you in the country.
[...] Technology isn't always top of the line. For example: broadband internet - what's that?
[...] Getting a social life can be very difficult.
a) (F) The person in the text lives in the city.
b) (F) Living in the city or in the country is the same for her.
c) (T) One of the advantages of living in a big city is the varieties of shops.
d) (T) Living in the city is more dangerous.
e) (F) You always have to lock your doors in a small town.
f) (T) Technology does not always work in the country.
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