quem puder me Ajudar,estarei grata!

Soluções para a tarefa
1 N: They aren't going to stay at home
I: Are they going to stay at home?
2 N: We aren't going to belive in God
I: Are we going to believe in God?
3 N: She isn't going to see the film
I: Is she going to see the film?
4 N: The bus isn't going to stop here
I: Is the bus going to stop here?
Espero ter ajudado :)
1. N. they are not going to stay at home
I. are they going to stay at home?
2. N. we are not going to believe in God
I. are we going to believe in God?
3. N. She is not going to see the film
I. is she going to see the film?
4. N. the bus is going to stop here
I. is the bus going to stop here. obs: fiquei um pouco em dúvida nessa questão.
na forma negativa é só acrescentar not depois do verbo e na forma interrogativa é só inverter. espero ter te ajudado!