Inglês, perguntado por alveskaua170, 11 meses atrás

Que incrível! Que demais!=amazing how aweson
De novo!=again
Definitivamente= definitely
Lá, aí= There, there
Nunca= Never
Legal!= Nice
Pronto?= Ready
Obrigado! Obrigada!= Thank you! Thanks
Hoje= Today
Amanhã= Tomorrow

2 - Use as palavras que você aprendeu e construa um diálogo.

Sarah: _____________________?
Peter: _________________________!
Sarah: ________________________!
Peter: ________________________?
O que são TDICs?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Kuromikjkklk

Resposta:Sarah : Hey Peter , Are you ready to travel?

Peter : Definitely yes ! This trip is going to be very nice !

Sarah : Tomorrow we go to the beach, there I will buy ice cream !

Peter : Ice cream again? There are many delicious foods there. Are you sure you are going to buy only ice cream?


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