Sociologia, perguntado por bruninho085, 6 meses atrás

qual o ponto de partida para o sociologo,segundo o método compreensivo de Max weber​

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Respondido por faithuwaobasuyi


Weber is best known for his thesis combining economic sociology and the sociology of religion, emphasising the importance of cultural influences embedded in religion as a means for understanding the genesis of capitalism (contrasting Marx's historical materialism).[i] Weber would first elaborate his theory in his seminal work, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1905), where he attributed asceticProtestantism as one of the major "elective affinities" involved in the rise of market-driven capitalism and the rational-legal nation-state in the Western world. Arguing the boosting of capitalism as a basic tenet of Protestantism, Weber suggested that the spirit of capitalism is inherent to Protestant religious values.

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