Inglês, perguntado por martajjramos, 8 meses atrás

Qual o futuro certo??
a. Maybe in the future people WILL / ARE GOING TO stop Reading books and magazines.
b. Be caraful! That giant billboard on the highway WILL / ARE GOING TO fall.
c. I think I WON’T / AM NOT GOING TO be able to subscribe to Teen magazine.
d. ESPN is BRODCASTING / BROADCASTS the classic 1966 boxing bound with Munhammad Ali at 9 pm.
e. We WILL / ARE GOING TO print the 1923 version of Time magazine tomorrow.
f. I AM MEETING / WILL MEET Jackie at the BBC studio todar watch a live episode of EastEnders.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gugusowza


A. Will

B. Is going to

C. Won't

D. Broadcasting

E. Are going to

F. Am going to meet

Espero ter ajudado lol :D

martajjramos: MUITOOO OBRIGADAAAAA , eu tbm precisava de ajuda com outro exercicio se vc não se importava de ver
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