Inglês, perguntado por adaimatosp3ipkl, 9 meses atrás

Put and, so, but or because into the sentences.
6. I like fish ____ chips.
7. I was thirsty ____ I drank a glass of water.
8. I was late _______ my car didn’t start.
9. My watch stopped _____ I missed the bus.
10. They went to the cinema _____ the theatre.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por airton2020


6 - I like fish and chips (Eu gosto de peixe e batatas fritas).

7 - I was thirsty but i drank a glass of water. (Eu estava com sede, mas bebi um copo de água).

8 - I was late but my car didn't started. (Eu estava atrasado, mas meu carro não funcionou).

9 - My watch stopped so I missed the theatre. ( Meu relógio parou então eu perdi o teatro).

10 - They went to the cinema and the theatre (Eles foram ao cinema e ao teatro).

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