Progressão Parcial - Língua Inglesa - Marina Abras
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Have a look at the text below.
dine Solutions Abroad - Excellence International Volunteering
Coding Solutions Abroad (FSA) is a recognized leader in the field of international volunteering, and we are
ommitted to educating people about this vital work. Each year, thousands of people volunteer abroad with FSA,
making a difference overseas and touching lives across the world. But change also continues to happen back home
on a personal level. Wherever you choose to volunteer abroad, and whatever you choose to do, we hope your
international volunteer experience is an exciting, empowering and insightful one.
1) What kind of people will probably be interested in volunteering
a. Politicians who want to find out the needs of poor people in their community.
b. People interested in traveling and seeing beautiful places.
C. People who would like to spend some times abroad and like working with children.
d. People beginning a career in finances and looking for a job.
Choose the correct alternative to answer questions below according to the text.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
C. People who would like to spend some times abroad and like working with children.
Pessoas que gostariam de passar um tempo no exterior e que gostam de trabalhar com crianças.
a. políticos jamais fazem trabalhos voluntários
b. pessoas que só se interessam por viajar e ver lindos lugares também não se voluntariam
d. pessoal começando uma carreira em finanças não vão trabalhar como voluntários
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