produzir um texto com mínimo 15 linhas utilizando verbos regulares e irregulares? preciso pra hoje
Soluções para a tarefa
Pode ser sobre qualquer coisa??
Today I woke up at 7:00 AM. I've never liked to wake up early, but I had classes to attend, so I went straight to the bathroom to get ready. As the classes went by, I was completely bored, until my English class started. I always loved the subject, and I knew that it would make me a little more interested. As the teacher began their job, I felt myself getting happier, and when the class ended, I was way better than before. Unfortunately, for my last subject, I had Maths, my worst nightmare. I never understood why we had to learn such difficult calculations. The Math teacher wasn't the problem, no, in fact, they were so nice and understanding, so I didn't understand what made me so annoyed about that class. As school was over, I waked home and watched a movie to ease my mind, and, at nighttime, I went to bed and prepared myself for the next day.