Artes, perguntado por larieli123, 1 ano atrás

Produza um texto utilizando o FUTURE com o will (10 linhas) ​

larieli123: ta bom

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por amandabortolonp9zcpo


My plans for the future

I will work in a big city and I will be rich. I will have a happy life and I will have a beautiful wife – my wife will have six children. My children will love me and I will love my children. I won’t have serious problems and I won’t feel down every day. I will work from Monday to Saturday - on Sundays, I won’t work. My wife will help me and I will help her. We will be more than husband and wife: we will be best friends. I will have a great job and I will love my job. My family will be a very special family and we will love each other. In our family, there will be peace, love, faith, dedication, respect and sincerity. This is my dream.

ta aii

larieli123: mt obrigafa
larieli123: eiii, tem como fazer outro texto falando sobre outra coisa??? Esse texto meu prof passou como exemplo na aula passada kk
amandabortolonp9zcpo: faço simm
larieli123: Aaaaa mt obrigadaaaaa salvou minha vida
larieli123: ??? moça?
amandabortolonp9zcpo: estou tentando fazer outro calma ai
amandabortolonp9zcpo: aquele de antes do peghei da net ksksks
larieli123: kkakakak
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