Inglês, perguntado por alexandresilvasouza0, 9 meses atrás

Present Perfect Tense

Affirmative : Sujeito + has / have + verbo no particípio

Interrogative : has / have + Sujeito + verbo no particípio

Negative : Sujeito + has / have + not + verbo no particípio

38. Use since or for.

1. Frank said, ''I haven't seen you __________ three years''.
2. Sheila hasn't read any books __________ January.
3. Edward has know marjorie _________ two years.
4. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson haven't run _________ March.
5. The girl hasn't said a word ________ three hours.
6. The telephone has rung _________ two minutes.

39. Use just,ever,never or yet.

1. A: Have you got your exam results _______
B: No, not ________

2. A: Have you ________ been skiing?
B: No, I've __________ been skiing, but I've been snowborading.

3. A: Has the movie started?
B: Yes, but it's only __________ started so we haven't missed much.

4. A: Have you _________ visited a foreign country?
B: No, I've __________ been outside the USA.

40. I ___________ this book twice.
a) to read
b) has read
c) have read
d) have readen

41. When did you last smoke? I __________ for two years.
a) hasn't smoked
b) haven't smoked
c) hadn't smoked

43. We're still waiting for Bill. He ___________ yet.
a) hasn't come
b) haven't come
c) doesn't come
d) didn't come

44. We stayed in Rome _______ two months.
a) since
b) for
c) ago

45) ''Have you ________ my uncle Jack''.
a) no meet
b) meet
c) met

46) Complete the sentence ''They have worked here ______ 2001''.
a) since
b) to
c) for
d) just

[4. Present Perfect Tense X Simple Past]

47. Mark the correct option.

a) Cabral _______ Brazil in 1500.
( ) discovered
( ) have discovered
( ) has discovered
( ) didn't discovered

b) Man ____________ on Earth for millions of years.
( ) has lived
( ) lived
( ) have lived
( ) has live

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por limarilia



1 - for

2 - since

3 - since

4 - since

5 - for

6 - for


1 A - yet B - yet

2 A - ever B - never

3 B - just

4 A - ever B- never

40 - d)

41 - b)

43 - a)

44 - b)

45 - c)

46 - a)

47 a) has discovered

47 b) have lived

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