Preencha os espaços em branco com o pronome relativo mais adequado:
a) I’m the teacher __________ wrote abou the problems _________ students often complain about.
b) Where is the book __________ I bought yesterday?
c) The players ________ scored most points are the best ones.
d) Can I see the place ___________ you were talking about?
e) I really admire doctors ____________ help people cope with their problems.
Soluções para a tarefa
B- which/that
C- who/that
D- which/that
E- who/that
Os pronomes relativos, chamados de relative pronouns em inglês, são usados para retomar um termo mencionado anteriormente.
a) I’m the teacher who/that wrote abou the problems which/that students often complain about.
b) Where is the book which/that I bought yesterday?
c) The players who/that scored most points are the best ones.
d) Can I see the place which/that you were talking about?
e) I really admire doctors who/that help people cope with their problems.
Ao referir-se a pessoas, é adequado utilizar who, de maneira formal e that em situações e falas mais coloquiais. Quando o termo retomado pelo pronome relativo for alguma coisa, utiliza-se o which ou o that, também em situações formais e informais, respectivamente.