Inglês, perguntado por vianamarta071, 2 meses atrás

preencha os espaços corretamente com os verbos entre forma afirmativa do "Simple Past" frase: Em seguida traduza a) I______for you.(to cry b) they _______to win The tournent .(to try) c)we_________to Europe today.(to travel) d)you_____________to dance with me.(to love) e)I____________my car last morning.(to wash) f)we____________waiting for you again.(to stay) g)they_____________in The band of school.(to play) h)my parents_____________with me.(to worry)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lemeslizandro20


1 I was

2 were

3 were

4 were

5 I was

6 were

7 were

8 were

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