Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 11 meses atrás



Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vanessagatinha
1 john is reading a book now.
2  what are you doing tonight?
3 jack and peter are working late today.
4 Silvia isn´t listening to music
5 Maria is siting next to Paul
6 how many other students are you studying with ?
7 the phone isn´t ringing.
8 you are learning english now
9 you aren´t swinning now
10 Are you sleeping
11 i am siting
12 i am not standing
13 Is he calling you ?
14 they are reading their book.
15 they aren´t wacthing television.
16 what are you doing ?
17 you aren´t doing your homework
18 i am meeting some friends after work
19 I am not going to the party tonight
20 Is he visiting his parents next weekend ?

  She is playing basketball ( 2º questão )
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