Inglês, perguntado por pedroohramos194, 8 meses atrás

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Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7

a) T: Ele amava muito seu gato

N: He didn't love his cat very much

I: Did he love his cat very much?

b) T: Eles chegaram tarde

N: they didn't arrive late

I: Did the arrive late?

c) T: Ela passou na examinação

N: She didn't pass the examination

I: Did she pass the examination?

d) T: Eu falei com elas por alguns minutos apenas

N: I didn't talk to her for a few minutes only

I: Did I talk to her for a few minutes only?

e) T: Nós nos apressamos para a escola porque tínhamos uma prova

N: We didn't hurry to school because we had a test

I: Did we hurry to school because we had a test?

f) T: john parou na esquina

N: john didn't stop at the corner

I: Did john stop at the corner?

g) T: Ele comeu pizza

N: He didn't eat pizza

I: Did the eat pizza?

h) T: Um tornado destruiu nossa fazenda

N: A tornado didn't destroy our farm

I: Did a tornado destroy our farm?

i) T: Os meninos jogaram futebol ontem

N: The boys didn't play football yesterday

I: Did the boys play football yesterday?

j) T: Nós dançamos muito ontem a noite

N: We didn't dance a lot last night

I: Did we dance a lot last night?

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