Inglês, perguntado por julianafelix4444, 2 meses atrás


“But anyway… so the recession we didn’t have in 1982, yeah,

technically we had two-quarters of, uh, negative growth. But during

that supposed recession, we had record car sales and record home

sales. Now, that doesn’t sound like any recession that I’ve ever

experienced. Normally, in a recession, these things go down.

Also a curious thing happened. At the end of the recession,

consumers had more debt than when it began. Now that also

doesn’t make any sense for a recession, because in a recession,

debt is paid down. People take on too much debt during the boom;

they pay it off during the bust. But during this bust we went deeper

into debt. What happened?

Well, what this irresponsible monetary and fiscal policy did was to

create the biggest consumption binge in the world history, where

American consumption – now greater than 70% of GDP – kept us

from really having a recession. But all it did was push off the

recession to some later date after the reelection of George Bush

which is what they really cared about. We don’t care if we create a

bigger disaster; we just want to have a bigger disaster later because

then somebody else might be in office. So this is what they did.

So even though we had our “downturn” in the capital goods sector,

the consumer went into debt and basically pushed off this recession

until, maybe, starting in 2007. But it’s gonna be far worse as a result

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Respondido por Usuário anônimo

a. "Now that also doesn’t make any sense for a recession [...]"

b. "[...] so the recession we didn’t have in 1982 [...]"

julianafelix4444: Obrigada
julianafelix4444: :)
Usuário anônimo: De nada :D
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