Inglês, perguntado por sousarebeca543p6rnya, 10 meses atrás

preciso de um dialogo em ingles ente duas pessoa cada um com 15 falas no total 30 frases
me ajudem tenho que entrega amanha

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CaUaAlVeS22

Sabrina: Hi, Steve! How are you?

Steve: Hello, Sabrina! I'm fine, thanks, what about you?

Sabrina: I'm fine too, thank you. Wow, You've changed!

Steve: Yeah... Just a bit. You've changed too, haha.

Sabrina: Hahaha! How are things? Did you get a job?

Steve: Of course, I told you I could do it!

Sabrina: That's good. And your family?

Steve: They're good, thanks. Hey! I found out you got married, It's true?

Sabrina: Yes! Robert asked me to marry him a few days ago. Who told you?

Steve: The one who told me was one of her friends, congratulations.

Sabrina: Thanks, Steve! What about your girlfriend? Are you getting   married?

Steve: Honestly, I don't know. I thinks it's too early, yet.

Sabrina: True, you've only been together for two years.

Steve: Yeah... But where have you been all this time?

Sabrina: I traveled to Canada to visit my parents. I had not seen them for years.

Steve: Nice! It's always good to be with those who love us.

Sabrina: Now, you're talking! Haha, that's great...

Steve: Okay... Can you gimme your number? I think I don't have you in my contacts anymore.

Sabrina: Sure, write it down. It's 1-630-860-5100.

Steve: Done! Maybe one day we can have coffee together, If you want.

Sabrina: Of course, Steve. Do you know any good places around here?

Steve: I know some, but I don't know If you're going to like it. They're a bit cheap.

Sabrina: Do not be silly, I don't care about the price, you know that.

Steve: My bad, my bad! I didn't want to be inconvenient.

Sabrina: Relax, It's ok! You're not being inconvenient.

Steve: That's it! You're still a sweethearth, that's why I like you.

Sabrina: Don't embarass me, you know I don't like it, haha!

Steve: Okay, okay! I stopped!

Sabrina: That's it! I need to go, I've some things to do. See ya!

Steve: Me too, it was good to see you, bye!

sousarebeca543p6rnya: obg me salvou
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