preciso de ajudaa, por favor

Soluções para a tarefa
1. Hector is going to visit his friends in France.
2. Barbara is going to tidy her flat.
3. Julie and Anne are going to see a good film at the cinema.
4. The footballer is going to score a goal.
5. John is going to meet his girlfriend.
6. Christian is going to wash the dishes.
7. The woman is going to catch the train.
8. Mirian is going to answer the telephone.
9. You are going to do all these exercises.
10. Teresa is going to have a shower.
O BE GOING TO é usado para falar sobre futuro planejado. A tradução dele é vai, vou, vão, depende da frase. Então sempre que pensar em fazer algo como dormir, lavar a louça, assistir, ir para a escola, se trata de planos, por isso pode-se usar o be going to. Eu vou te ajudar! I am going to help you.