Inglês, perguntado por rosemorale9, 7 meses atrás

preciso de ajuda???????????​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jonathancrestanimach


a) In September

b) On Monday

c) In summer

d) In the evening

e) At night

f) In January

g) On Thursday

h) At ten o'clock

i) In the morning

j) On weekends

k) In 2010

l) On Friday evening

m) At seven o'clock

n) In the afternoon

o) At half past eleven

p) My birthday is in January

q) My mother's birthday is on June 26th

r) I never go out at night

s) At easter

t) On Wednesday

u) In 1996

v) In spring

w) On their birthday

x) At half past eight on Saturdays

y) In August


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