Inglês, perguntado por ariell8882, 2 meses atrás

POR FAVOR, podem me ajudar? é para amanhã.

02. Complete as frases usando o comparative of inferiority.

a) China is_______________________ (populated) Japan.
b) Rio de Janeiro is_____________________ (dangerous) Miami.
c) Paris is_____________________ (beautiful) Europe.
d) São Paulo is____________________ (noisy) Berlin.
e) Vaticano is___________________ (small) Brazil.

03. Complete as frases usando o comparative of equality:

a) Soccer is________________________(easy) basketball.
b) Pop is_______________________(ecxiting) rap.
c) I am _________________________(intelligent) you.
d) The United States are ______________________(big) England.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por perdigaom77


2. a) China is less populated than Japan

   b) Rio is less dangerous than Miami

   c) Paris is less beautiful than Europe

   d) São Paulo is less noisy than Berlin

   e) Vaticano is smaller than Brazil

3. a) Soccer is as easy as basketball

   b) Pop is as exciting as rap

   c) I am as intelligent  as you

   d) The United States are as big as England

Respondido por SourGamer


a) China is less populated than Japan.

b) Rio de Janeiro is less dangerous than Miami.

c) Paris is less beautiful than Europe.

d) São Paulo is less noisy than Berlin.

e) Vaticano is less small than Brazil.

03. Complete as frases usando o comparative of equality:

a) Soccer is as easy as basketball.

b) Pop is as exciting as rap.

c) I am as intelligent as you.

d) The United States are as big as England.


Para usar o comparative of inferiority, temos que botar a frase na seguinte forma: A COISA + VERB TO BE + LESS +VERBO + THAN + O RESTO DA FRASE.

E para usar o comparative of equality, temos que botar a frase na seguinte forma: A COISA + VERB TO BE + AS + ADJETIVO + AS + O RESTO DA FRASE.

Espero que tenha te ajudado, <3.

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