Inglês, perguntado por barbosabrenda485, 3 meses atrás

Complete com o Present Perfect
1.I ___(not see) The filme "Titanic" yet.
2.My grandmother ___ (buy) some new furniture for her house in Newcastle.
3.Who ___(break) The vase on The big Tablet in the kitchen?My mum will get furious.
4.The Jacksons ___(paint) their fence recently. Their Garden looks amazing.
5.Mrs. Torres ___(not hear) the alarm clock.She is two hours late for work.
6.Now that I ___(finish)my homework,my friend and I can play on the playground.
7.Where ___ Charles and Betty ___(go)?I knocked their door,nobody opened it.
8. ___you ever ___(meet) a famous person in your life?It must be exciting!
9.Brenda ___(read) tais novel four times before.She must have liked it so much.
10.Alan and Beverly ___(live) in this old houve for more than twenty-five years.
11.Benjamin ___already___ (eat) dinner.I don't think he is hungry now.
12.I ___(not do) the laundry yet.I don't have any clean t-shirts in my wardrobe now.
13.Oh,Helen!You Mother is so worried about you.Where ___ you ___(be)?
14.The chief police officer ___(question)all the banks staff about the robbery.
15.Mr. and Mrs.Hill ___(watch) all the one hundred episodes of this series since June.
16.My mum ___(not phone)me since last Saturday.I need to talk to her immediately.
17.Our cat,Bella ___(not drink) anything for hour.You had better give her some water.
18.Frank's sisters ___ just ___(go) out.They will vist the city museum.
19.The children ___(finish) painting their pictures.They are having a rest now.
20.My father ___(not arrive) home yet.We are waiting for him patiently for dinner.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Present Perfect

1.  I haven't seen the film  "Titanic" yet.

2. My grandmother has bought some new furniture for her house in Newcastle.

3. Who has broken the vase on the big tablet in the kitchen? My mum will get furious.

4. The Jacksons have painted their fence recently. Their garden looks amazing.

5. Mrs. Torres hasn't heard the alarm clock. She is two hours late for work.

6.  Now that I have finished my homework, friend and I can play on the playground.

7. Where have Charles and Betty gone ? I knocked their door,  nobody opened it.

8.  Have you ever met a famous person in your life? It must be exciting!

9. Brenda has read tais novel four times before. She must have liked it so much.

10. Alan and Beverly have lived in this old houve for more than twenty-five years.

11. Benjamin has already eaten  dinner. I don't think he is hungry now.

12. I haven't done the laundry yet. I don't have any clean t-shirts in my wardrobe now.

13. Oh, Helen! Your mother is so worried about you. Where have you been?

14. The chief police officer has questioned all the banks staff about the robbery.

15. Mr. and Mrs. Hill have watched all the one hundred episodes of this series since June.

16. My mum hasn't phoned me since last Saturday. I need to talk to her immediately.

17. Our cat, Bella hasn't drunk anything for hour. You had better give her some water.

18. Frank's sisters has just gone out.They will visit the city museum.

19. The children have finished painting their pictures. They are having a rest now.

20. My father hasn't arrived home yet.We are waiting for him patiently for dinner.​


Present Perfect >>> tempo verbal que indica quando a ação começou, quanto tempo faz que ela está ocorrendo ou pode indicar que a ação terminou há pouco tempo, ou seja, as ações dos verbos ainda estão acontecendo ou terminaram recentemente.

have >> usado com I - we - you - they  

has   >> usado com he - she - it  


Sujeito + have / has + verbo particípio + complemento

David has lived in Texas since 1990. >> David mora no Texas desde 1990.  

My sisters have studied English for ten years. >> Minhas irmãs estudam inglês há dez anos.

→→ situação/ação que começou no passado e continua no presente.

I have studied German since 2017. - Eu estudo alemão desde 2017.  

(comecei a estudar alemão em 2017 e continuo estudando hoje)

→→ Uma ação terminada em um passado recente, confirmada pelo uso da palavra ''just''

David has just arrived from New York. >> David acabou de chegar de New York.

I have just finished my homework. >> Eu acabei de terminar minha lição de casa

I have just arrived. >> Acabei de chegar.


have / has + not + verbo particípio

David hasn't cleaned his room. >> David não limpou seu quarto.

I haven't found a new job. >> Eu não encontrei um novo emprego.


Have / has + sujeito + verbo particípio

Have you already finished your homework? >> Você já terminou sua lição?

Has Susan found a new job? >> A Susan encontrou um novo emprego?

Alguns advérbios usados no present perfect:

never - nunca  

already - já  

since - desde

for - por (período >> for 1 month - for 2 days - for many years)  

just - agora mesmo - agora há pouco

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