Inglês, perguntado por anaclarafreitas1989, 13 dias atrás

Por favor, me ajudem e pra amanhã ​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Analuizavd15


4- Change the sentences according to the model.

My cell phone is connected.

My cell phone is disconnected.

a. My dog misbehaves when I get home.

>> My dog behaves wel when i get home.

b. It's unusual to see the priest at the cathedral.

>> It's common to see the priest in the cathedral.

c. Jack has been very responsible with his studies.

>> Jack has been very imresponsible with his studies.

d. My dad is really impatient at work.

>> My dad is really patient at work.

e. There are useful things at the hardware store.

>> There are useless things at the hardware store.

f. I've been to a very uncomfortable bed and breakfast.

>> I've been to a very comfortable bed and breakfast.

anaclarafreitas1989: Obrigada <3
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