Inglês, perguntado por vivi34252, 1 ano atrás

por favor me ajudem, as palavras lie, watch, waste e scan no past contínuos ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por crissweetbutpsycho


Lie - I was lying  - You were lying - She was lying

Watch - I was watching - you were watching - he was watching

Waste  - I was wasting - you were wasting - he was wasting

Scan - I was scanning - you were scanning - she was scanning


O Past Continuous é formado pela união do verbo auxilar to be conjugado no Simple Past (Passado Simples) + gerúndio (-ing acrescido a um verbo principal).

As flexões do verbo to be no Simple Past são was e were.

Was é usado com a terceira pessoa do singular (he, she e it) e were é usado com as demais pessoas verbais (I, you, we e they).

vivi34252: obrigadaaaa
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