Inglês, perguntado por sabrinaju15, 10 meses atrás

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Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por LariStern
2) When Sam went to New Zealand, he tried bungee jumping.

3) When the pianist arrived, the concert began.

4) When they left home, it started to rain.

5) When they met, kissed on the cheeks.

6) When Cindy ate at that Greek restaurant, she did not like the food.

Também é possível colocar o "when" em outra posição que não a do começo. Simplesmente inverta as orações:

1) We visited the Eiffel Tower, when we went to Paris.
2) Sam tried bungee jumping, when he went to New Zealand.
3) The concert began, when the pianist arrived.
4) It started to rain, when they left home.
5) They kissed on the cheeks, when they first met.
6) Cindy did not like the food, when she ate at that Greek restaurant.
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