por favor gente me ajudem pesciso de 10 frases em ingles usando animais
Soluções para a tarefa
1- The little dog is so cute!! (o cachorrinho é tão fofo!)
2- The cat is very nervous; (o gato etá muito nervoso!)
3- The elephant is very big; (o elefante é muito grande)
4- Monkey see, Monkey doo!; (macaquinho de imitação) hahaha
5- The horse is black; (o cavalo é preto)
6- The buterflies are flying! (as borboletas estão voando)
7- The birds are scared! (os pássaros estão assustados)
8- I love to eat boiled fish (eu amo comer peixe cozido)
9- The giraffe is very tall (a girafa é muito alta)
10- The turtle walk very slow! ( a tartaruga anda muito devagar)
Hopefully that I had help (:
See you! and sudy more English!!
I love my puppy, he's so kind.
Do you have a cat? I saw one at your instagram.
All of the birds are so cute!
I went to the zoo with my daughter to see the lion.
The bears are incredible beings.
Your dog bit me!
I had a hamster, his name was Fred.
Chocolate can be deadly for animals, including dogs.
Rabbits are extremely docile animals.
My cat ate a mouse last night.