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Soluções para a tarefa
1. What can you use water for? Drink Water the plants Wash the hands
2. Name 3 things you can eat! Rice Beans Pasta
3. Name 3 things that are red! Tomato Apple Cherry
4. 3 words that begin with sun- Sunset Sunrise Sunburn
5. 3 words that begin with sp- Spelling Special Spectre
6. 3 kinds of transportation. Bus Car Motorcycle
7. 3 words that end with -ment Treatment Document Present
8. 3 things with a screen. PC TV Cell phone
9. 3 words that start with re- Reservation Respect Respiration
10. List 3 kinds of trees. Eucalyptus Bamboo Chestnut tree
11. List three pets! Dog Cat Chicken
12. Three diferentes spices Chili Cinnamon Garlic clove
13. 3 things in the bathroom. Toilet paper Soap Sink
14. 3 circular things! Soccer ball Wheel Bowl