Inglês, perguntado por duarteyasmin462, 7 meses atrás

Pfvr me ajudem, é pra amanhã

1- Rewrite the sentences using the possessive case:

a) The books of the students are the classroom.

b) The boss of my mother is calling her.

c) The mother of Lucas and Mateus are beautiful.

d) The teachers of Teresa are good.

e) The school of his son is Ginda Bloch

f) The house of that boy is confortable.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Otakuphill


A) their books are in the classroom

B) her boss is calling her

C) their mothers até beautiful

D) Her teachers are good

E) his School is Ginda Bloch

F) His house os confortable

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