Inglês, perguntado por isadora1476, 9 meses atrás

Pessoal me ajudem nessa Homework?? Por favor!
A) Write questions with the words AND answer them:

Supermarket - Ship - Downtown - What - When - How - Buy - Bank

01. Q:

02. Q:__

03. Q:_

04. Q:__

05. Q:__

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por SStorchi

01.  Will you go to the supermarket today?

A: No. I already went to the supermarket on Friday.

02. I love ship traveling. Do you?

A: I actually never been in a ship.

03.  Did you go to the new restaurant downtown?

A: Yes! Me and my husband just loved it.

04. What are you doing for this summer?

A: I'm thinking about traveling with my family.

05.  When will you come visit me?

A: Just as soon as my son heals from the flu.

06.  How will you go to that party?

A: I think I will go for a taxi.

07. Mom, can you give me money to buy some ice cream?

A: Not today. Tomorrow, perhaps.

08. Do you work in the bank?

A: I got fired from the bank.

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